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Belle………………………...………..……Emma Chasse

The Beast………………………...………….Andy Wetzel

Maurice………………………………..………..Bill Libby

Gaston………………………...………..Andrew Marcotte

LeFou…………………...…………..……….Bryant Libby

Lumiere…………………………...………..Jack Scannell

Cogsworth………………………………….Payson Avery

Mrs. Potts…………………………………….Vicki Norris

Chip…………………………………………Isla Scannell

Madame de la Grande Bouche…….……Lauren Murphy

Babette………………………………...……..Casey Shea

Narrator/Prince….……………….……Collin McDougal

Silly Girls………………..…..…. Kate Akeley, Ella Tilsley,

                                                        Emma McKenney, Eva Fickett


Abel Byther, Agatha Porter, Atticus Armstrong, Ayanna Coffin,
Brad Wears, Buddy Tucker, Cam Fudge, Cole Shane,
Collin McDougal, Cyrena Nielson, Gard Crawford, Grace Armstrong,
Grayden Guiffre, Heather LeForge, Isla Nielson, Kathy Rose, Keira Sawyer,
Keith Tilsley, Liberty McKamy, Lillianna Davenport, Myla McKenney,
Peyton Scarboro, Quinn Doucette, Shannon Goguen, Sydney Mushrow,
Timothy Holbrook, Willow Butters, Zach Cross, Zoey Davenport

August 2024

Directed by

Rob Juergens

Music Direction by

Betty McIntyre

Choreographed by

Emy Holden

Costume Design and Creation by

Shannon Avery assisted by Wanda Vaughn-Carr, Darlene Bean and Zoe Silvia
Special thanks to Deb Doherty of Curtain Call Productions and Donna Mason

Madam de la Grande Bouche Costume and Enchanted Rose created by
Brandon Johnson and Lauren Murphy

Hair and Makeup

Gabrielle Opie, Susan Rose, Christina Byther, Jennifer Chasse

Executive Producer

Janet Ver Planck


 Kelly Winslow, Shannon Avery, Chris Madura

Set Design and Construction

Chris Madura, assisted Bill Libby, Stephen Mosley and Zoe Silvia

Lighting Design and Sound

Greg Watkins assisted by Mariella Silvia

Stage Manager

Chris Madura

Assistant Stage Manager

Zoe Silvia

Stage Crew
Chris Madura, Zoe Silvia, Stephen Mosley, Kelly Winslow and Cast​

Prop Coordinator

Kelly Winslow

Scenic Painters

Stephen Mosley, Chris Madura, Zoe Silvia, Brad Wears,
Payson Avery, Shannon Avery, Emy Holden, Lauren Murphy,

Eva Fickett, Kasey Johnson

Special Thanks to
The Bridgton News, Camp Agawam, The Casco Public Library, Maine Community Bank, The Watkins Family, Michelle Brenner, Bridgton Books, Aubuchon Ace Hardware, Andy Madura, Lauren Murphy, The Custodial Staff at LRHS and CC.

The Pit Orchestra

Julie Largay, Sam Fickett, Jason Ward, Phoebe Payne,

Gabby Beaudoin, Ben Bridges, Paul Greenstone,

Mark Stanaford, Ian Smith, Alyssa Ostrowski,

Rayna Button, Parker Kenyon

House Manager

Lew Krainin

Poster Design

Chris Madura

Show Photographer

Shannon Avery

Photos generously provided by Shannon Avery


Mailing Address:  PO Box 221, Casco, ME, 04015


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